Welcome to First Presbyterian Church!

At First Presbyterian Church, we commit ourselves to worship God, growing spiritually together, and reflecting Christ in our daily lives. Our congregation shall reach out to others to love, follow, and obey God as he is released to us through the Bible.
Come Join Us for Worship! Sundays @11:00 AM

The First Presbyterian Church of Kewanee is a family of faith where everyone is welcome. We continue to grow spiritually together at Worship Service and Bible Study. We guide our congregation in discovering God's next journey for us, whether that be through current missions as: Henry-Stark Relay for Life, the local Food Pantry, Rebuilding Henry County Together, Angle Tree Gifts, Christmas Joy Offering, school bags for Church World Services, and supporting new missions when they arise. We are a loving church that reaches out to those in need.
Our church feels called to address the needs of our community and support many organizations. We are active participants in the CROP Walk, a fundraiser to help fight world hunger. We chair the silent auction of our local Relay for Life. Our church supports our Community Choir, with there members as Co-Directors, and Treasurer. We have a loyal and dedicated group that supports our Community Vacation Bible School. The Kid's Community Choir and Vacation Bible School reach out to children throughout the community teaching about Jesus's birth and important stories of the Bible. Our Christian Education Department is organizing a Youth Group from our Church and our Community.
Our Congregation commits to worshipping God and reflecting in our daily lives by having weekly Adult Bible Studies and Children's Sunday School. We host many special services throughout the year, such as the Thanksgiving Evening Service, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Palm Sunday Community Service, Easter Sunrise Service, and a service honoring our Veterans. Elmira and Kewanee have joined together for some Worship Services. We co-host Lenten Services, and extend an open innovation to all people. Our Sunday church service is lived streamed on facebook for those who are unable to attend.
We offer a full Children's Sunday School meeting at 10:00 am every Sunday and Adult Sunday school meeting at 10:00 am. Ladies are invited to the Grace Salisbury Bible Study which meets on the forth Thursday at 7:00 pm in a member's home or at the church, and the Priscilla's meet at 1:30 pm on the first Tuesday at the church. A Bible Study is led by Pastor Art every Wednesday at 6:30pm via Zoom meetings. Our Membership Committee faithfully visits our shut-ins and home bound folks. Worship is done to the praise of our God! Our most important hour of worship is at 11:00 am on Sundays. Week-long prayer lists are published every week in our bulletin so that our people may take them home to lend the strength of their prayers every day for the afflicted. We are eager to pray for your concern, please call the office at (309) 852-2564.
We sincerely pray that you will find us a fulfilling and challenging church home.